David Pointer

Agile Transformation Coach

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."


As a coach, I will bring…

  • Real-world perspective and experience related to Agile Transformations
  • Organizational, System, and Team level expertise with a focus on value delivery
  • Out of the box thinking with a focus on process to make it easy to get things done


David Pointer is an Agile Transformation Coach with 20 years of experience helping organizations realize their true potential through process improvement and lean-agile thinking at all levels of the organization. David has worked in many different environments including private industry including AOL, Comcast, Freddie Mac, and Fannie Mae as well as in the government sector such as GSA, CBP, and VA. This has provided David the opportunity to work in highly structured to loosely coupled environments and develop a well-rounded experience and perspective.

While not working, David enjoys any outdoor activity including camping and hiking. David also enjoys working with his hands doing everything from remodeling a bathroom, woodworking, metal detecting, and magnet fishing.