Leading Agile Change Management

Organizations need Agile change management services to adapt swiftly to evolving market conditions and technological advancements. However, change at a large scale is complex and can cause widespread disruption. Learn more about our proven Agile change management process to lead accelerated and more effective transformation.

Change Is Hard…Why Do It In The First Place? 

Loss of productivity, skepticism, fatigue–all reasons why organizations may hesitate to implement change, especially as large a scale as an Agile Transformation. 

But the benefits of Agile Transformation (predictability delivery, maximum ROI, and product-market fit) can outweigh the negatives. This is only true if an effective Agile change management process is in place. 

Components of Our Leading Agile Change Service

1. Assessment

Discovery of current state and Agile readiness

2. Leadership and Stakeholder Training

Education on Agile principles, the role they will play, and how to lead Agile change

3. Agile Change Management Plan

A plan of sequenced and prioritized activities customized to desired results and the organizations unique constraints

4. Value Stream Map

A value stream map visualizing how value flows and is delivered

5. Review of Organizational Structure

Recommendations of organizational design and structure that supports business agility

6. Path to Agility Certification

Learn the Path to Agility approach and how to use its components to get started with Agile Transformation.

Key Outcomes of Our Leading Agile Change Service

  • A vision that provides clarity and communicates purpose

  • Identification of business objectives driving the transformation

  • A coalition of change leaders to lead and manage the transformation

  • Ongoing measurement and visualizations to communicate  progress

  • Information and learnings are shared across the organization to grow practices, solidify alignment, and drive excellence

Start Leading Agile Change Management Today! 

A Proven Agile Change Management Process 

We created the Path to Agility approach as a way to manage Agile Transformation so organizations can realize the benefits of business agility faster with less risk. Path to Agility combines known change management models such as Satir, ADKAR, and Kotter with decades of in-the-field experience guiding Agile teams and enterprises. 

Learn how Southwest Airlines and Texas Mutual used Path to Agility to save costs and accelerate go-to-market. 

Tools For Effective Agile Transformation Management 

Our software application, Path to Agility Navigator, provides a simple and effective way to continuously improve organizations and measure results from agility. 

Learn More

Ready to Lead Agile Change Management?