
The Frozen Middle And Agile Transformations

By: David Gardner | Sep 29, 2016 |  Agile Transformation,  Article,  Leadership

Frozen Middle Management depicted by a pair of frozen eyeglassesI was recently asked what in my experience was the most likely cause of gummed-up Agile transformations.  I didn’t hesitate in answering “the frozen middle.”  

Top-level management buys into a transformation because they hear faster, better, and more predictable. Teams buy in because it is simply more fun (I’m told “funner” isn’t really a word) and they get to build cool stuff. What about the folks between the teams and executive management? Middle management may be ill-prepared for what is needed from them in the course of a transformation. (more…)


How To Find Your Next Product Owner

By: David Gardner | Jul 19, 2016 |  Article,  Product Owner
Image of a stork, find your product owner easily
Image courtesy of William Gill

A hurdle for companies who are transitioning to Agile is how to find your product owner. Should they look externally or is it OK to look within as they already have roles that are similar to the Product Owner (PO) position. Common questions I’ll see pop up when they are considering who would make good candidates for the new Scrum role include:

  • Do Product Managers make good Product Owners?
  • How about Business Analysts, do they make good Product Owners?
  • Which should we look to – Product Managers or Business Analysts?
