Maximizing Team Effectiveness: Measuring the Performance of Software Development Teams [Webinar Recording]

In this video, a panel of coaches from our Platinum partner, Agile Velocity, discussed how to measure the performance of software development teams including best practices and antipatterns, before diving into metrics to consider.

Check out the video for the full recap.

Maximize team effectiveness with best practices and insights from enterprise coach Richard Dolman.

During the webinar, we took a poll on the funniest and worst team metrics you’ve ever seen or heard of. Here’s the list of answers… 🤣☠️

  • Lines of code
  • Individual user story point count – how much a developer is able to do over another one. Developers would compare that against each other. Developers have different skills and work effort is different
  • Velocity-based coupled with a 2-page guide for exactly how story points were to precisely be defined
  • 100% code coverage target
  • Number of packages modified
  • Most Jira tickets completed per sprint. Team counts were publicly compared. Suddenly Jira counts quadrupled but no more work was completed
  • Number of defects found in QA phase
  • CEO heard term “capacity” and viewed it like a Hefty trash bag… that you could stuff and stuff it, and it’ll stretch accordingly to hold ALL needs. Nope; quantity can have a quality all its own

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The information provided in this content is meant for general informational purposes only and should not be regarded as professional guidance for specific business scenarios. Results may differ depending on your organization’s circumstances. It is recommended to consult with a qualified industry expert before acting on this information. The coaches at Agile Velocity are available to address any inquiries you may have.