September 2021 Path to Agility® GSD Recap

Last September, we had a “Getting Stuff Done” (GSD session with Path to Agility (P2A) Facilitators. But this GSD was a little different from past sessions. Instead of working on the framework, we shared how other Facilitators are using Path to Agility with their clients and organizations.

The format consisted of 4 lightning talks and Open Space sessions in between. It was an energizing morning filled with insight, information, and ideas on the different ways P2A can be used to help our clients achieve outcomes.

Bonus: The camaraderie that comes from working with other Agile coaches is awesome!

During the session, we discussed…

  • How Business Outcomes can focus discussion and drive action during an Agile transformation
  • What makes and breaks an Agile Leadership Team (ALT)
  • Different transformation backlog formats What goes into a communication plan about transformation? (Hint. This may be a new Agile Capability)
  • Blending P2A with other frameworks like Scrum or SAFe
  • Competing values framework and a tie into Business outcomes. For example: We want “innovation” but we are currently in a heavy “command and control” culture…
  • How a medical device company used P2A as a playbook to get unstuck (and used the Align phase as a readiness criteria)

During the session, we discussed how Path to Agility can be used within organizations and enterprises. If you are interested in giving your clients the ability to upload Path to Agility artifacts into their organizational repositories (digital boards, file systems, SDLC tools) and help P2A become a part of their DNA, you can learn more here or email

If you would like to learn more about joining the Path to Agility community by becoming a Facilitator or Practitioner, go here.

This was such a fun session and there’s more to come. Our last GSD session of the year will be in early December. Details to follow!

The information provided in this content is meant for general informational purposes only and should not be regarded as professional guidance for specific business scenarios. Results may differ depending on your organization’s circumstances. It is recommended to consult with a qualified industry expert before acting on this information. The coaches at Agile Velocity are available to address any inquiries you may have.