8 Common Pitfalls of an Agile Transformation

Increased predictability, faster delivery, and improved quality are just a few reasons why organizations are embracing Agile. But while Agile adoption and a full organizational transformation can seem straightforward, it is easy to get mired by common and costly pitfalls.

Side effects of a faulty Agile adoption include:

  • More resistance from the team
  • Lost productivity
  • Slowed momentum
  • Waterfall regression
  • Wasted time and money

Identify common pitfalls before they delay and even derail your Agile transformation. 

Download the free white paper by filling out the form above. 

Other Resources

Are You Ready For An Agile Transformation?

8 Common Pitfalls of an Agile Transformation

A Beginners Guide to Understanding Scaled Agile Framework®