
Webinar Series: Adaptive Leadership

By: Andy Cleff | May 05, 2020 |  Agile,  Leadership,  Webinar

What, if anything, about the way people are leading today needs to change in order for leaders to be successful in a complex, rapidly changing environment where we’re faced with seemingly intractable challenges and an insatiable demand for innovation?  from Brené Brown, Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts

Adaptive LeadershipAgile Velocity hosted a series of online conversations exploring the most crucial leadership questions of the day.

Each session included a panel of distinguished guests who provided their honest and hard-won perspectives.

Links to recordings are below.

Related podcasts include:


Catalyst: The Next Level of Leadership

Image of cone of leadership from expert to achiever to catalyst

with Bill Joiner

Recorded webinar available via the Agile Uprising Podcast

Bill is a sought-after international thought leader and author of Leadership Agility. He focuses on the new mindsets and skillsets that leaders need for a new business environment that is complex, uncertain, and very fast-paced.


Leadership: Making Sense in Times of Uncertainty

with Dave Snowden and Andrea Tomasini

Recorded webinar available via the Agile Uprising Podcast

Dave Snowden is the founder and chief scientific officer of Cognitive Edge. His work is international in nature and covers government and industry looking at complex issues relating to strategy and decision making.  He has pioneered a science-based approach to organizations drawing on anthropology, neuroscience, and complex adaptive systems theory.  He is a popular and passionate keynote speaker on a range of subjects and is well known for his pragmatic cynicism and iconoclastic style.

Andrea Tomasini is one of the founders of agile42. His background includes experience in product development, system architecture, business, and strategic analysis, lean coaching, organizational change, and agile leadership. Andrea has trained and coached a diverse range of teams and helped many companies in various industries in implementing agile methods like Scrum. These days, Andrea works primarily as a Strategic Coach, supporting Agile Leaders in the process of transforming their organization, strategy, and culture to achieve greater agility and resilience. Being an international expert in the area of Agile Leadership, he is currently pioneering data capture and analysis methods in complex organizational structures and working on a book on ORGANIC agility.

Women and Leadership

With Lyssa Adkins and Carolyn Dragon

Listen to the recorded webinar via the Agile Uprising Podcast

Lyssa Adkins is an internationally-acclaimed, inspiring coach and teacher. Her current focus is on improving the performance of top leadership teams through insightful facilitation and organization systems coaching.

Carolyn Dragon is an engaging and highly talented coach, facilitator, and presenter. Visionary, enthusiastic, and grounded in results, Carolyn is a leader in learning, growing, and inspiring women’s personal and professional leadership development.

Lyssa and Carolyn co-lead TENWOMENSTRONG – a group that brings together circles of dynamic and inspiring women leaders to live their life on purpose.

Leadership is Language

With David Marquet and Andy Worshek

Listen to the recorded webinar via the Agile Uprising Podcast

Leadership is Language with L. David Marquet

Expert on adaptive leadership, former submarine commander, and author of Amazon #1 Best Seller: Turn the Ship Around!, Captain David Marquet imagines a workplace where everyone engages and contributes their full intellectual capacity, where people are healthier and happier because they have more control over their work, and where everyone is a leader.

Andy Worshek is a keynote speaker, guest contributor, and Intent-Based Leadership expert. He served with Captain Marquet on the USS Sante Fe as Combat Systems Department Chief, later advancing to Chief of Boat on the USS Cheyenne.


Leadership Skills for the New Normal

By: Andy Cleff | Apr 16, 2020 |  Leadership

Leadership Skills that focus on “Individuals and interactions over processes and tools”

A lighthouse which symbolizes the leadership skills that are needed to guide teams during volatile times.

In volatile times like these, leaders can have a tendency to focus heavily on tools and processes. There’s also a danger that they head into micro-command-control mode through a desire to “Stay in the loop.” In doing so, leaders can easily lose the plot: people still matter. 

While no doubt mastering work from home (WFH) technology is important and maintaining communication is vital, a great leader will focus on leadership skills that make sure the teams they serve don’t skew their values too far to the right with regard to “Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.”



Business Outcome-Based Metrics: How to Effectively Measure Your Agile Transformation Journey

By: Andy Cleff | Feb 11, 2020 |  Agile Transformation,  Article

Outputs or Outcomes?

Many organizations are stuck measuring and making decisions based on outputs – like velocity. In fact, team velocity is one of the most commonly used, abused, and misused metrics in Agile software development as well as during digital transformations. Teams, their managers, and even their stakeholders often focus on “improving velocity” without considering the entire value delivery system. Then they are shocked when they don’t get the business outcomes they really want, for example predictability or speed.

In this article, we explore healthy ways for your organization to use metrics to gain meaningful insights into the results of your experiments in the course of your Agile transformation.

Measure for a Purpose

As Simon Sinek famously says: “It all starts with why.” You need to understand what you think you are going to measure and why you want to measure it. When it comes to metrics in Agile, the data itself is not the goal — instead, it’s a means of tracking your journey, testing hypotheses, and providing feedback as you head towards your next goal. 

That goal, the Big Why, should be focused on business outcomes, not outputs. Here are nine business outcomes (that come from Agile Velocity’s Path to Agility® framework) to think about:

  1. Employee Engagement: Employees are more satisfied in their work, willing to go the extra mile, passionate about the purpose of their jobs, and committed to the organization.
  2. Continuous Improvement: The ability of the organization to relentlessly pursue optimizations in all aspects of business functions.
  3. Innovation: New ideas, creative thoughts, or novel imaginations provide better solutions to meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or known market needs.
  4. Customer Satisfaction: Customers are satisfied with the experience, benefits, and outcomes when using your product or service.
  5. Market Responsiveness: The ability of the organization to pivot quickly to respond to ever-changing market demands.
  6. Predictability: Teams maintain a predictable cadence of delivery enabling the business to make informed business decisions.
  7. Speed: The time it takes to deliver an idea to the market.
  8. Quality: The product or service meets the expectations of the market for usability, and reliability.
  9. Productivity: Increase the business value realized while maintaining or reducing costs.

We recommend that your organization pick one. Sorry, you can’t have them all at once! Limiting your organizational WIP (Work in Progress) helps create a clear sense of urgency.

Reasons To Measure

There are many reasons to measure as you track progress towards organizational business outcomes during your transformation. These include:

  • Knowing where to invest your money – and to do so based on more than just gut instinct
  • Knowing if you are building the right things for our market
  • Measuring your performance and alignment — where your inventory (the software that the development teams create) that addresses features, defects, risks, and debt is not easily visible
  • Knowing if your customers and employees are delighted (or not)

Why Don’t More Organizations Measure More Things?

In our practice, we routinely discover that many organizations don’t have much in place in terms of metrics. Why not? Some reasons include:

  • People are afraid of weaponized metrics – ones used not for purposes of continuous improvement, but instead for comparison and punishment.
  • They were collecting vanity metrics, ones that didn’t offer any predictive power, and eventually considered measurement programs “useless.”
  • Metrics are actionable, however, they are presented in a way that people don’t find useful (for example endless tables of numbers instead of clear graphic representations).
  • Folks believed the “right things” were just too expensive to measure, and they failed to poke around to find existing data that would suffice.
  • They mistakenly thought the “right things” were immeasurable — and didn’t consider finding proxies.

Meaningful Agile Metrics for Digital Transformations

Successful organizational transformations put in place metrics programs that focus on global outcomes and meaningful feedback loops. This is true at any point along the transformation journey.

Here are a few idea starters for each of the Path To Agility business outcomes listed above:

Business Outcome Example Measures
Employee Engagement
  • eNPS
  • Bad turnover
  • Employee referrals
  • Offer acceptance 
  • Feedback surveys
  • Team learning logs
Continuous Improvement
  • Value stream flow efficiency
  • Reduction in recurring impediments
  • Cumulative flow
  • Market Share
  • Number of validated business-level hypotheses developed and tested
  • Number of failed experiments
  • Slack time
Customer Satisfaction
  • Number of times a week team members talk to an actual customer
  • NPS 
  • Retention (DAU/MAU)
  • Referrals
Market Responsiveness
  • AARRR (Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue)
  • HEART, (Happiness, engagement, adoption, retention, task success)
  • % complete of Sprint plan
  • Velocity variability
  • Say-Do ratio 
  • Unplanned work items 
  • Cycle time 
  • Lead time
  • Deployment frequency
  • Meantime to restore (MTTR)
  • Defects in production
  • Change fail percentage
  • Automated test coverage
  • Ratio of fixing work vs feature work
  • Value delivered
  • ROI
  • KPIs
  • Thieves of time

Common Anti-patterns for Metrics During Agile Transformations

There are many anti-patterns to be mindful of when implementing metrics in Agile settings:

  • Hawthorn Effect: Individuals modify their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed. (“Oh, watching the burndowns are we… well, here’s one set for you. The real set is on the back of the rolling whiteboard.)
  • Goodhart’s Law: All metrics of evaluation are bound to be abused. It’s just human nature. Individuals try to anticipate the effect of a policy and then take actions that alter its outcome. (Things like Class of Service, or rules like FIFO can be gamed. “That’s an expedite ticket, and I’m judged on time to first response? I’ll send it right back to ya with a question. Bingo, I hit my SLA!”)
  • Friedman’s Thermostat: Correlation does not mean causation, but it sure can be a clue.
  • Comparing metrics across teams: Teams all have different contexts. (Velocity, sorry to mention it again, is relative and team dependent. Same with throughput – “comparison” leads to over the wall development. Same with operational stability – “comparison” can lead to painful change management processes.) Cross team comparisons remove safety and learning. As Deming reminds us: ”Whenever there is fear, you will get wrong figures.”
  • Focusing on lagging over leading Indicators: Taking a macro-economics view for example: the level of unemployment is a lagging indicator. By the time you see an upward trend, it’s a bit late to stop it. A good leading indicator for this domain would be Architectural Design Firms submitting bids — a sign of pending economic growth, with job creation as part of it. Leading indicators in software: automated test coverage, code complexity, and team health.
  • Choosing vanity metrics: Good for feeling awesome, but bad for taking action. Funny things happen when we rely on vanity metrics. When they go up, all of us will be the first to take credit. When they go down… well… it wasn’t me!
  • Ignoring companion measures: Keep in mind there’s no free lunch. Measure holistically, so you see the tradeoffs. If you’re working on improving cycle time or throughput, you better also keep an eye on quality as well as team morale.

Measuring Your Agile Transformation Journey: Values, Intentions, and Purpose

When you:

  • Are transparent about what and why you measure what you do…
  • Think about your team members and customers as humans (not resources or wallets)…
  • Support your teams by thinking long term about values, intentions, and purpose…

…Then your organization will be able to handle the adversity that comes with today’s VUCA world. You’ll build and maintain resilience as you change the status quo, all the while developing a culture rich with collaboration and innovation.

Good things will happen — if you just stop focusing on velocity.


What’s Your Organizational Agility Score?

In less than an hour, you’ll get valuable insights into your organization so you can improve team performance and achieve your business goals faster.

Learn more


How to Run 1,000 Miles in 1 Year with Personal Agility

By: Andy Cleff | Dec 17, 2019 |  Agile Coaching,  Article

Sometime during my 50th trip around our star, I had a thought: I should run a marathon before I turn 60.

And then those voices in my head kicked in with a nice chorus of “Yes, but…”

  • “You can’t even run a mile without wheezing!”
  • “Remember in high school — when you played soccer and lacrosse and you chose the position that required the least amount of running: goaltender?”
  • “You’re over the hill. Take up bocce ball instead…”

So I went back and took a nap on the couch and my gremlins chalked up another victory.

Breaking Goals Down With Personal Agility

We all know, thanks to Mr. Newton, that a body at rest, absent any outside influence, stays at rest. In my case, overcoming my inertia took a little shove. The force was not an alarming annual physical, but a couple of significant life changes, one of which was the dropping of a long daily commute. All of a sudden, I had three extra hours in my day. 

The universe was giving me a sign. 

I decided to use my experience as an Agile coach and run an exercise (pun intended) in personal agility. Instead of taking on a full marathon, I broke it down into a smaller, less risky product increment. AKA, a shorter distance. I decided to run a 5K. 

I downloaded a couch-to-5k app to my iPhone, and set out to test a hypothesis I believed to be true: I was too old and fat to be able to run for 10 mins (let alone a freakin’ marathon) without needing an EMT.

Here’s my first week of running, March 2018:Personal Agility Blog: Andy's data from his first week of running. Per day numbers: 1.54 miles run. 30 minutes total per day. Only 8 minutes actually running per day.

Yep: 30 mins to cover 1.75 miles and only 8 of those minutes at a running pace. My inner gremlins had a lot of fun with that.

Yet I stuck with it…

Eight weeks later, I ran a full 5k in 35 minutes. It wasn’t a record-breaker, nor a marathon, but I did disprove my hypothesis. So what was my next step, my next product increment? 

Resistance to Change

Individuals, teams, and organizations all have very powerful systems that seek stasis and resist change.Levels of comfort are represented as a layered sphere. The Comfort Zone is surrounded by the Stretch Zone, which is all encompassed by the Panic Zone. 

In the world of coaching, we call the equilibrium the comfort zone. It’s a nice and easy place to be, nothing there worth losing sleep about and next to no anxiety. However, in the comfort zone, there is also little growth, change, innovation, or creativity. This is the land of fixed mindset. 

For meaningful change, we need to move outside the comfort zone and spend some time in the stretch zone, where things can be downright uncomfortable. However, the stretch zone is also where perceptions expand and transformation and growth happens. This is the land of growth mindset. Getting there requires some incentive, or the opposite, a disturbance or a crisis. (Remember Mr. Newton?). To get through the pain, help is often needed.

The Power of Coaching

Andy and his running "coach", Frank, stand side by side after a marathon.Shortly after running the 5K, I shared my excitement with my friend Frank. Little did I know, Frank’s one of those crazy runner types. He also happened to be a very effective and subtle coach. He managed to get me out on the trail three times the following week, running at a “democratic pace” — meaning he could speak in entire paragraphs without any visible effort and I was struggling to get out one-word answers.

At the end of that week, Frank casually dropped, “You know, you did three 5k’s this week. Do that for a couple of months and you’ll be able to run a half marathon.”

“Hmmm, Frank, check my math… that’s 21K!!” (It also happened to be halfway to my original goal.)

Frank encouraged me to sign up for the November 2018 Bucks County Half Marathon, which was about 5 months away at the time. It cost $90 to register and if I decided to bail at the last minute, the money would go to a good cause. 

I made a training plan with a big visual tracking board and did my best to stick with it, even though many times, I wanted to call it quits.

Another example of how Andy visually tracked his progress to his goals.examples of Andy's visual tracking boards, where he housed his running data to track progress to goals.

But my coach kept coming up with ways to keep me moving back and forth across the border between comfort and stretch, embracing new challenges, persisting in the face of setbacks, and viewing the effort I put in as fruitful.

That fall, we both ran the Bucks Half Marathon. Frank finished at least an hour ahead of me, yet there he was at the finish line, cheering me on as I completed my race, “Dude, that was awesome. One of those a month for the next three months, and you’ll be running a full marathon… Here, have a beer!”

A Full Marathon

A few nudges here and there from Frank, and I signed up for the NJ Marathon for the following spring. I put in the miles week after week through the winter following a well-known novice training routine. My coach helped me through the new aches and pains, the selection of running gear, and changing my nutrition. 

Then the day came. Sunday, April 28, 2019. It was cold. It was drizzling. I won’t sugar coat it: I was miserable from about mile 12 onwards, right after I tripped over a manhole cover and hit the ground hard. I was running at barely a walking pace, but one foot in front of the other, I made it to the finish line, 6 hours, 10 minutes, and 24 seconds later. By the time I got to the end, the free beer tent had already gone home. I vowed to never, ever do that again.

Greeting the Gremlins and the G.R.O.W.T.H. Mindset

Photo of Lia Ditton in her rowing solo across the Pacific Ocean.Then I read a blog article by Lia Ditton. She’s about to embark on a really big challenge: rowing solo and unsupported 5,500 miles across the Pacific Ocean. In her article, Lia wrote about her own gremlins. Reading that even athletes like Lia have moments of self-doubt encouraged me.

So I signed up for a second full marathon, the Philly AACR, and to show the gremlins who’s da boss, I gave myself another BHAG: run 1,000 miles this calendar year.


On my training runs, I listen mostly to audiobooks. Not too long ago, I finished Robert J. Anderson’s Mastering Leadership. In it, he wrote:

“As we descend into our doubts and fears, we see that they are not what we thought they were. We see that the old self is too small for the purpose and vision that want to come through. We also discover that there is a much larger self that is fully capable of creating the future to which we aspire… The pursuit of purpose brings us face-to-face with the ways we are playing-not-to-lose. [This] means facing our fears head-on, becoming a student of our fears by descending into them.”

Anderson’s idea of facing fears head on reminded me of a way I learned to chat with the gremlins at this year’s Agile Coach Camp. It goes like this:

“Hi Gremlin(s),

I see you. I hear you. I feel you. I love you unconditionally, and I accept you fully.

Now, how can I support you?”

There’s an incredible power behind this approach: turning not only to face but to embrace the “can’t do it” 

voices that lurk in the shadows. Shining a light on the darkness forces those gremlins to pause, even if just for a moment. In that space, one has the opportunity to subject underlying beliefs to investigation and modification.

I was fortunate to have a running coach appear when I was ready. He assisted me with my development, my performance, and helped me to achieve outcomes I thought at the time were far beyond my capacity.

We did this through a model I refer to as “G.R.O.W.T.H.” – Max Landsberg’s GROW model (Goal, Reality, Obstacles/Options, Way Forward) plus Trust and Honesty. 

You can read more here: Catalyzing Growth through Coaching

Andy's medal showing he completed the Philly AACR, his second full marathon.

Continuing Forward

Andy's progress to his goal of 1,000 miles in 1 year as of December 2019. He's at 940 out of 1,000

My gremlins and I have a less contentious game of hide and seek now. 

Even though those pesky voices tried to “save me from myself” on race day in Philly as the weather alternated between rain, sleet, hail, and snow, I managed to complete my second full marathon.

As far as my BHAG of 1,000 miles is concerned, I’m a bit behind my target, suffering from a cranky iliotibial (IT) band. Nevertheless, I’m working every week to stay the course, one mile at a time. Part of the reason I continue is to overcome my perceived limits by leaning into them. Another reason is that I can eat all the carbs I want. Oh, and beer… It tastes so much better after a multi-hour training run.

As Abraham Maslow said: “In any given moment, we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.”

Which will you choose?


To learn more about agility and the value of a coach, please visit our Agile coaching page.