
Scrum Events Are Necessary (And Not Evil)

By: David Hawks | Nov 30, 2016 |  Article,  Scrum,  ScrumMaster

Example Scrum events - Refs gather for a quick meeting

In Scrum, there exists a general confusion about the Scrum events or meetings: when they happen, who attends and why they exist.

The last question comes up…a lot. There will be resistance to “all the overhead” of Scrum, meetings included. In order to convince others to participate in Scrum events, you can’t just say, “those are the rules of Scrum.” Developers and managers need to be convinced, which means we Agilists need to make sure they understand the value. Here are the Scrum events and a quick explanation of why they exist.



Path To Agility: Adoption Patterns To Overcome Pitfalls – Keep Austin Agile 2016 [Video]

By: David Hawks | Jul 26, 2016 |  Agile Transformation,  Article,  Leadership,  Video

Where are you on the Path to Agility?

In a presentation for Keep Austin Agile 2016, David Hawks explained each phase of the Path to Agility journey including examples of typical challenges encountered along the way. Apologies for the abrupt pause in the middle of the video…a fire drill caused us to evacuate. Thankfully, the drill was just that. Watch the full video or read the transcript below.



How To Build Trust In The Workplace

By: David Hawks | Feb 15, 2016 |  Article,  Leadership,  Team

Two team members help each other hike up a mountain. That's a lot of team trust in their workplace. Image courtesy Paul C. Bronson

My team is asking for extra resources because they don’t have enough time to get everything done. But they want to spend part of their work day on trust activities. What gives?

For some, the team building, focus on communication, and opportunities to reflect provided in the Scrum framework are too much, a little too hippie. It may seem like a waste of time. However, lack of trust in leadership and among team members can result in decreased productivity, halfhearted attempts at innovation, and a hostile workplace. (more…)


Agile Transformation Pitfall #9 and #10: Misalignment between the team, customers, and the IT enterprise organization

By: David Hawks | Jan 25, 2016 |  Agile Transformation,  Article,  Leadership

Since these Agile transformation misalignment pitfalls are straightforward and related to one another, we thought it would be easier to deliver them in one post. These pitfalls are geared more towards the IT Enterprise rather than a product shop but still good lessons to keep in mind. Read the previous posts if you need a refresher.

Agile Transformations Pitfall #9: Teams Not Aligned With Customers

Agile Transformation Misalignment - happy, neutral, sad facesIT organizations are shifting the focus from projects to products. This is a good thing for a few reasons.

In a project-focused environment, a team is assembled for a specific project and re-allocated to another when complete. This has two impacts:

  1. Breaking the team apart and moving members around will cause a decrease in performance. Everything you have invested in team building and domain knowledge by the team is lost.
  2. Customers lose support and attention. When a team goes away after the project is done, in order to get any additional enhancements to the product they have to get another project approved. y This typically requires getting something approved again through their portfolio management budgeting process which may happen months or years later.



Agile Transformations Pitfalls #8: Focusing Only On The Team

By: David Hawks | Jan 11, 2016 |  Agile Transformation,  Article,  Leadership

Avoid agile pitfalls like this fork in the road and take the right pathAnd…we’re back to our regularly scheduled program. Before the holiday break, we discussed Agile Pitfall #7, Not Improving Technical Practices. Time for number eight, solely focusing on optimizing at a team level instead of optimizing across the whole organization.

How leadership deals with issues raised by the eighth pitfall could mean the start of a great era in the organization….or a failed transformation.

It’s common for leadership to believe that as long as the team is implementing Scrum and all of its trappings, the transformation is going smoothly. In the beginning, that may be the case. However, as the team matures with agile practices, they will face roadblocks they cannot remove on their own. Perhaps it’s a new testing environment or another test engineer–whatever it is, teams will need to escalate these issues to management.

Here, leaders encounter a fork in the road. How they respond to their team can make or break an Agile transformation.

While the team is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of Agile, it’s the organization’s responsibility to support the endeavor. It doesn’t say much for the leadership team if they ask the team to adopt Agile but doesn’t do anything to remove impediments or ensure success.

Did they really want the team to BE Agile or just SAY that they are? What effects will these actions (or lack of) have on trust between the team and leadership? Leaders need to change their questions from, “How productive is the team?”, to “What are you learning?” and “How can I support you?”

According to a survey by Interaction Associates on workplace trust, employees believe that a high level of trust in leadership is necessary for them to be effective at their jobs. Of the five ways leadership can build trust according to employees surveyed, “Set me up for success with learning and resources” was number three. Other ways include:

  • Soliciting input from the team especially if they will be affected
  • Providing background information when possible
  • Admitting mistakes
  • Not punishing people for raising issues

As issues are raised and roadblocks identified, it’s imperative to have a system for handling them, particularly with new transformations. With Agile, the management team is freed up to work on cross-team, organizational concerns since they are no longer in the day-to-day. One solution is to have a team of managers who help solve problems.

Another solution is to create a Transformation Team with an executive team member championing the transformation. The Transformation Team consists of cross-functional representatives who are excited and passionate about the new direction. Having the management team or the transformation team (having both is better), will help to optimize the whole value stream and shorten time to market.

Check out the final installment of the series, Pitfalls #9 and #10. Catch up on the series by reading pitfalls 1 – 7 listed below.

For more on our approach to building lasting business agility, you can check out our Transformation Services page.


Agile Transformation Pitfall #7: Not Improving Technical Practices

By: David Hawks | Dec 15, 2015 |  Agile Technical Practices,  Agile Transformation,  Article

Becoming Agile is not just a process change. That’s the first and probably most common misconception–and pitfall–in an organization’s Path to Agility®. There are several facets of an Agile transformation, and a big one is to improve technical practices. (more…)


Pitfall #6: NOT Starring Feature Teams

By: David Hawks | Nov 19, 2015 |  Agile Transformation,  Article,  Team

Part 6 in our 10 Agile Transformation Pitfalls and How to Address ThemOne of many on a feature team isn't what you want

Being one of many is a red flag on the Path to Agility®. The success of your Agile transformation depends on cross-functionality from feature teams. Image courtesy of

Look around you. If you and all of your neighbors have the same job title, it may be time for a new seating arrangement. While there are some advantages to having specialist or component teams, for the most part, they create silos and impede communication. In our sixth installment of our Agile transformation pitfalls series, we discuss how your definition and makeup of “team” could be impeding your organization’s adoption. Here are links to previously discussed pitfalls if you need to catch up.



Pitfall #5: In an Agile Transformation, Transparency is to Empower, not to Micromanage

By: David Hawks | Oct 27, 2015 |  Agile Transformation,  Article

Part 5 in our 10 Agile Transformation Pitfalls and How to Address Them

With Agile, internal stakeholders, team members, and management have visibility into team activity like they’ve never had before. This transparency is a powerful asset, and how it is wielded has a large impact on the success of an Agile adoption or transformation. This blog discusses pitfall #5 in our blog series, 10 Agile Transformation Pitfalls and How to Address Them. Read about the previous pitfalls in our series:

Pitfall #5: Transparency is Abused

Unlike a carpenter building a dresser or cabinet, you can’t physically see what a developer is building. Agile transparency allows visibility into the virtual. Often when an organization is implementing Agile, this is the first time anyone on the team has had this sort of visibility available to them. To a manager, this extreme transparency sounds like a dream. To a team member unsure about the motives of leaders, this can seem frightening. This is why successful Agile teams need a substantial amount of trust between teams and managers. For team trust to be cultivated and earned, transparency has to be used well, not abused.





How to Deliver Double the Value in Half the Time [Video]

By: David Hawks | Oct 23, 2015 |  Article,  Video

If a baker wants to double the number of carrot cakes he can produce in a week, he has two options:

  1. Hire another baker
  2. Optimize the recipe

The first option means the added cost of a full-time employee in addition to the time (and thus money) spent training the new baker on precisely how the shop makes carrot cake: number of carrots, coconut flakes or shredded, sifting the flour, etc.

The second option is the most cost effective. Perhaps he switches to using an electric mixer instead of manually mixing the batter. By optimizing his process, the baker can increase production without adding cost. He can literally have his cake and eat it too!



Pitfall #3: Providing Slack to Learn

By: David Hawks | Oct 15, 2015 |  Agile Transformation,  Article

Part 3 in our 10 Agile Transformation Pitfalls and How to Address Them

As more IT and software organizations transition to Agile, they’re discovering Agile to be a better way to get quality work done faster. They’re also discovering that the transition can be tough to navigate. This blog discusses pitfall #3 in our blog series, 10 Agile Transformation Pitfalls and How to Address Them. Read about the previous pitfalls in our series: (more…)