
Story Mapping 101

By: David Hawks | Aug 09, 2017 |  Agile,  Agile Marketing,  Agile Technical Practices,  Agile Tools,  Agile Training,  Kanban,  Process,  Product Owner,  Scrum,  ScrumMaster,  Team

Traditional product backlogs can get confusing. They typically start off with a high-level list of features, called “epics”. However, as the team starts decomposing the epics during refinement down to sprintable user stories, it’s easy to “lose the plot” and the only person with the decoder ring is the Product Owner (PO). The PO is the only one who knows how all the stories tie back up to the feature and how they relate to each other. One resulting failure pattern is incremental deliveries that create poor user experiences. This is because the release was composed of stories that in principle were of high business value but were functionally dependent on stories that were of lower value and were therefore deferred to future releases.

Picture of a product backlog with color coded user stories



Advancing Agile By Evolving The Manifesto

By: David Hawks | Jun 29, 2017 |  Article,  Leadership

Lightbulbs to represent the growth of ideas and the evolution of the Agile ManifestoThe Agile Manifesto was created over 15 years ago. Most of the focus in the Agile/Scrum world since then has been to improve product delivery; we have fixated on how we make the development of ideas more effective. We have improved idea development in the following ways:

  • Increased Visibility – We can see our work, define clear priorities and we can more easily identify bottlenecks and measure productivity.
  • Team Continuous Improvement – By implementing a rhythm of retrospectives, self-organizing teams have taken ownership of how they can improve their delivery process.
  • Predictability – By limiting WIP and getting consistent in delivery, businesses can make better decisions. When priorities change, leaders can make informed decisions about the impact of making a change.
  • Faster Time to Market – By forming feature teams, investing in test automation and continuously integrating, we can optimize to delivering value quicker.



Invest, Don’t Budget

By: David Hawks | Jun 08, 2017 |  Agile Transformation,  Article,  Leadership,  Process

Put your change in the right piggy bank--Invest in value.Many organizations we work with are very budget-driven. Many organizations do up front funding and budget management. This process feels good, as having a plan provides clarity and accountability. However, this type of process leads to very bad behavior because of a few huge, and often, bad assumptions:



Is ScrumMaster Really A Full-time Job?

By: David Hawks | May 17, 2017 |  Article,  Scrum,  ScrumMaster

Scrummaster leading her team in discussionLet me ask you this: If you had a team of five would you rather have 20% annual gain without adding another developer, or go hire and integrate a new developer every year to get a 20% productivity gain YoY?

If it was up to me, I’d go with option one and make sure that I invest in ScrumMasters. Too often I see the ScrumMaster role diminished and undervalued in organizations. Many leaders believe that the ScrumMaster role is part-time (can be combined with another role such as manager) or that one ScrumMaster can cover five teams. Perhaps it’s because of the wrong ways the role is implemented that’s causing confusion and bad decision-making around staffing the team.



The User Story Needs A Remodel. Here’s Why.

By: David Hawks | May 11, 2017 |  Article,  Process

Cartoon of a man in a construction hat and holding a shovel, getting ready to remodel a user story.


User Stories have become the standard way Agile teams capture requirements and were introduced almost 20 years ago as a part of XP (Extreme Programming). To put it in context, that’s four presidents and 14 iPhone models later. A lot has changed and it’s time we upgrade how we define and communicate work for teams.

Most teams are using user stories to document requirements and to align expectations between stakeholders and the delivery team. But building features with the goal of satisfying stakeholders is not good enough anymore. We should be focused on satisfying the customer.



Agile And The Middle Manager Identity Crisis

By: David Hawks | May 02, 2017 |  Article,  Leadership

A middle manager can feel as lost as this cow saying moo

Going Agile causes a lot of change within an organization, from a process, strategic, and cultural standpoint. A side effect of the Agile adoption is the confusion regarding roles and responsibilities, particularly for middle managers.

For middle managers, everyone is telling you what not to do, but no one is telling you what to do. You have been told that you can no longer:

  • Set the priorities for the team
  • Assign tasks or participate in planning
  • Estimate work
  • Attend Retrospectives or tell the team how to improve their processes

The good news is that with Agile, the tactical work is owned by the team. This frees up leadership to be more strategic.

In an Agile environment, here are four areas I see where middle management can make a huge impact:

  1. People Management
  2. Technical Excellence
  3. Organizational Improvement
  4. Business Alignment



WEBINAR – Stop Sabotaging Your Agile Transformation

By: David Hawks | Mar 29, 2017 |  Agile Transformation,  Leadership,  Video,  Webinar

An Agile adoption and Agile transformation require a lot of change at all levels of a company. Most importantly, it’s more than a process change, a concept that can cause leaders to stumble as they move their teams forward. For leaders, it’s important to leave some traditional management ideas behind in favor of a more Agile leadership approach. In this webinar, David Hawks breaks down four major obstacles leadership faces during an Agile adoption and transformation:

  1. Driving vs. Supporting
  2. Lack of Support to Improve
  3. Drowning in a Sea of Opportunity
  4. Focus on Output vs. Outcome


Webinar Recording

Webinar Q&A

Besides time and having management show support, what tips do you have to encourage former waterfall employees to access self-empowerment?

Empowerment takes a mindset shift from the entire team. The best advice would be for managers and ScrumMasters to continuously encourage the team to share their ideas and try new things, and hold them accountable for continually practicing these methods.

Another way to do this would be one-on-one conversations where managers can ask questions to find out what the team needs to continue improving.


When you are changing the way leadership prioritizes items and transforms the urgent projects into a backlog for the team to pull from, what practices do you recommend?

When it comes to prioritizing, you never want to approach it with a divide and conquer method. Instead, use techniques that will bring stakeholders together and get them talking to one another about the projects they want to prioritize. This should be a collaborative process.

You can look for tools online to practice this mindset, such as Buy a Feature by Innovation Games. Story mapping is another great tool that can help a team prioritize within context. You can learn more about this technique from Jeff Patton’s book, Story Mapping.


What’s the biggest factor in moving from downward chaos to upward growth?

So this question refers to the pivot point between Chaos & Resistance and Integration & Practice on our Path to Agility®. You can really see that a team is transitioning into the Integration & Practice stage when they become more comfortable with the language of Agile. This typically takes around 3-6 sprints, which are essentially cycles of learning. It’s important for the team to have this period where they can practice the techniques they’ve recently learned and begin to get comfortable with the new system. A key factor of this cycle of learning is the retrospective, where the team can really focus on how to improve their processes.


Have you seen this practice work well in IT infrastructure teams?

Yes, we’ve seen that Agile’s core principles still apply. However, Kanban typically works better than Scrum when it comes to IT infrastructure. Kanban provides a more continuous flow of tasks as opposed to weekly plans. Because IT infrastructure usually deals with more interim driven work rather than work that can be planned out in advance, this framework tends to be a better fit.


What tips do you have for encouraging cross-functional teams in a matrix organization?

This question addresses the biggest factor that keeps organizations from truly getting all the benefits of Agile they are seeking. However, finding a way to address this is difficult because it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. It really depends on the culture of the organization.

Some companies have fixed this by having feature teams initially report straight to the VP. This empowers the teams and stops them from continuing bad habits that arise from reporting straight to output focused managers. Then, once the managers also get a handle on their new outcome focus, they are placed into the feature teams. This process can help encourage a smoother transition of the company mindset from output to outcome.


Is this directed primarily at software development or an overall business operational culture?

Most Agile adoptions come out of the software world but Agile methodology applies across the board. Often, organizations think the problems are confined to the software department when in reality the entire organization needs to change. From the executives to HR to marketing teams, Agile is effective for all levels and parts of a business.


For organizations where there is a clear strive to meet business commitments and deadlines, how do you help get senior leadership more open-minded to allow a learning environment, particularly if there are offshore teams involved, which has a cost associated with it?

The first question we ask senior leaders is this: “Are you happy with how IT is working?” Not surprisingly, their answer is always no. There is nearly always a disconnect between IT and the rest of the company. Deadlines are handed out like free candy but rarely met. This creates a level of distrust.

Agile provides senior leaders with a solution to this problem but they need to be as involved with the change as IT. Senior leaders can help by allowing time (3-6 sprints) for teams to make mistakes and test out new ideas. The organization can eventually get to a point where they are rebuilding trust by demonstrating a higher level of predictability.


21 Flavors Of ScrumMaster Role Combinations – Pros and Cons

By: David Hawks | Jan 05, 2017 |  Article,  Scrum,  ScrumMaster

spices and flavors like the different scrummaster rolesIn the perfect Agile world, a ScrumMaster is a ScrumMaster…and that’s it. There’s not a never-ending custody battle where a person goes back and forth between two roles. Unfortunately, we live in the real world. Often, people come to our CSM workshops with a divided workload and wearing different hats: Product Owner and Manager or Software Lead And ScrumMaster.

This post will discuss the pros and cons of various ScrumMaster combinations, beginning with the ideal combination, ScrumMaster – ScrumMaster (dedicated ScrumMaster).

Dedicated ScrumMaster

As mentioned above, a dedicated ScrumMaster is the ideal situation.


  • ScrumMaster as a career. This means they can invest time and energy getting REALLY good at the craft, which will have a positive impact on team performance and ultimately the organization. As they progress in their career, ScrumMasters can move up to a Coach title or even manage other ScrumMasters.
  • Message that the organization is serious about the Agile investment.


  • “Adding” headcount. The reality is that headcount is not added, but reallocated. Imagine if there was only enough budget for a team of 10. In scenario A, leadership can choose to hire 10 developers and make one developer, maybe the lead, also act as a ScrumMaster. In scenario B, leadership can hire 9 developers and 1 dedicated ScrumMaster. Which scenario will breed more productivity? Past experience helping teams transform shows us that scenario B, while counterintuitive, is the better choice as the ScrumMaster will help the nine increase productivity by more than 10%. Plus a good ScrumMaster is probably easier to hire than a 10th good developer.

A dedicated ScrumMaster should have the capacity to work with two teams. Anything more than that and the ScrumMaster spends all of their time being a meeting facilitator and does not have any time left to advocate for the team and remove impediments. So why wouldn’t you make the investment into a full-time ScrumMaster that is going to help two teams get 20%+ annual improvement in productivity?

The Golden Rule Of ScrumMaster Role Combinations

Before moving onto ScrumMaster mashups, let’s discuss the Golden Rule of ScrumMaster role combinations.

Anytime roles are split, the ScrumMaster role should always come first.

Even if the person is a manager or a critical team member, the ScrumMaster portion of their day is a top priority.

ScrumMaster & Team Lead Combination


  • One silver lining in this scenario is it can groom the Team Lead to become a better manager. This only works if the team lead is already on the leadership path, meaning they are people-oriented and already mentor team members.  


  • The developer will trump ScrumMaster every time. If the person is someone who picks up technical critical path tasks, they will need to focus on development work and so are unable to focus on the team.

ScrumMaster & Team Member Combination


  • Perception of no additional headcount or investment


  • Stretched too thin. At best, the person is still good at being a developer and nonexistent as a ScrumMaster. At worst, the person is a bad developer and a bad ScrumMaster because they don’t have the time to be good at either role.

ScrumMaster & Product Owner Combination


  • Save on headcount


  • Roles don’t fit by Definition. A Product Owner is supposed to work with stakeholders to understand their needs in order to add to the product backlog. A ScrumMaster is supposed to advocate and protect the team, which can mean removing or stopping work from being added. This is a conflict of interest. In this combination, typically the PO side will always win, pushing for more work and cutting corners on the process.

ScrumMaster & Manager Combination


  • A natural overlap. A ScrumMaster and a manager should both have the servant leadership mindset. The only thing “extra” would be to become the Agile and Scrum expert on the team and to have the time and ability to facilitate events.


  • Awkward and somewhat unsafe environment. People may feel like they are unable to be honest during Retrospectives and may check out for fear of retribution.
  • Less ownership from the team. If their manager is there constantly, team members may not feel the urgency or have the ability to take ownership of the work. The team may never evolve to a high powered self-organizing team.

ScrumMaster & Team Member (Rotation)


  • Cross learning and shared understanding. Everyone has the chance to learn and appreciate the role and its processes.


  • Nobody gets good at being a ScrumMaster. Just when you’re getting the hang of it, it’s time to switch.
  • Part time mentality. Since you know you will only be doing this for a short time you don’t take it seriously.


A factor common among these various conversations is time. It is difficult to take on the work of two full-time positions, that would mean an 80-hour work week. However, if the organization leans towards combining the ScrumMaster role with something else, just remember the golden rule: ScrumMastering comes first.


Your Sprint May Be A Mini Waterfall If…

By: David Hawks | Dec 19, 2016 |  Article,  Scrum,  ScrumMaster

Image of a waterfall, Agile vs waterfallIf your Sprint begins with two days of design followed by six days of development and finally two days of QA, each phase stacked right behind another like dominoes, then congratulations…you have a mini waterfall.



Practical Guidelines For Scheduling Scrum Events

By: David Hawks | Dec 07, 2016 |  Article,  Scrum,  ScrumMaster

Alarm clock signals when it's time for the teams next Scrum Events

This is the second half of our short series on Scrum events. Check out the first post explaining the necessity of Scrum events, including the impact if they were not to occur.

We get a lot of questions on when Scrum events should happen. While there is no one-size-fits-all, the following is my advice. 
